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Traditional Art And Crafts
This article describes how to make wall mounding nettipattam. The gold color of the Nettipattam makes it as an
This article describes how to make wall mounding nettipattam. The gold color of the Nettipattam makes it as an eye-catching and royalty for the rooms it lays.Nettipattam is a Kerala traditional item. it is used to decorate elephants in the time of Poorams(Kerala festivals). It shows a glittering ornament that adorns the forehead of the elephants. Nettipattam is part of Hindu astrological art and represents the entire pantheon of gods in Hinduism.Today, it is available as wall hanging item in different sizes. People believe that the caparison brings prosperity and peace as it represents the Hindu gods in entirety.The Nettipattam is now available in the polymer/fiber for wall decorations. This will look like the original Caparison but the metal will be the polymer.The Trendy Caparison is making a plastic procession technology so that the color will not fade and no complaint will have occurred.
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